Monday, March 24, 2008

Quiet Day, not so Night

Yesterday was a little quieter. Sam's getting the hang of feeding and nursed for a while in the morning. Laurie, Michael, and Francis arrived around 11:30, at which point Katie and Sam were deeply asleep. Momma hadn't gotten much rest and we decided to let them sleep for awhile. Francis brought up pot roast, carrots and potatoes (Katie's favorite) and we had a good lunch.

Sam's opening his eyes more and is becoming more alert. Though he still loves to sleep. At one point, Michael was holding him and Michael's head slowly bent forward and both were sound asleep.

Katie walked down the hallway to try to get her legs moving. Her legs are even more swollen then they were during her pregnancy. The doctors' say that it may get worse before it gets better. It really limits how much she can walk around.

I was able to go home for a few hours to play with our first baby, Zigaboo, and get some rest. He was sooo happy to see me and was looking around the house for Katie. He's going to be a handful when we bring the baby home, and we'll have to deal with it one day at a time.

Sam's looking a bit jaundiced, which is normal for newborns, and hopefully will eat more so that he will stop looking yellow.

Laurie and Michael brought dinner and we were able to sit around and talk until after visiting hours. Aren't we a bunch of rebels! Karen and Keaton called from Houston and we Skyped for quite awhile. They were able to see Sam and Katie and see Sam nurse a bit. Of course Keaton was grossed out and didn't want to see his sister indisposed. You can check his blog for current updates on his treatment.

Sam was brought from the nursery early in the morning and Katie tried to nurse, but he was unable to get as much as he wanted. He's quite a demanding little one! He kept us up a lot last night; we got a small amount of sleep, which I expect will be how this week goes.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Katie, Andy and baby Sam

Congratulations on your new arrival. They are precious and grow extremely fast. Hold and love them as much as you can.

Yes, you will have more sleepless nights so take advantage of the nursery while you can.

We hope to visit you all soon once everything settles down. Grace can meet her new cousin, who I also heard has red-tinted hair. Is it true? You know Katie a little earlier and Grace and Sam would have had the same birthday (the 20th).
Take care.

Amy, Paul and Grace