Monday, April 21, 2008

First trip with Sammie

Playing catchup so here goes nothing....

We took our first trip with Sam to St. Louis for Passover this weekend and Sam did really good. We didn't leave as early as we wanted to, which was to be expected with the new little one. We might have underestimated how long it would take ;). Anyway, Sam slept the two hours it took to get to West Memphis and woke up in the parking lot of Katie's grandmother's nursing home. Just amazing! Such a good baby.

Katie fed him while we caught up with grandma, and other family members that happened to stop by. It was a mini-family reunion!

Got back on the road and a little while later Sam woke up and Katie had to feed him. What was normally a 4 hour trip took about 6 hours, which was to be expected. After the second feeding, Sam was good to go and didn't wake up until we got to their house. Josh and Daria were already there, with Daria flying in late and barely missing her plane.

We were able to see lots of family at Passover the next day. Sam was the star of the party; everybody wanted to hold him and squeeze him and call him George. Not really, but he did get passed around to lots of people. Josh and Daria did a great job leading the service and are getting better at leading a rowdy group of people.

Diving back on Monday was pretty easy, with Sam sleeping most of the way. We stopped one time for feeding before Memphis and then right as we exited off the highway to see Grandma again, Sam woke up. Great timing! We visited a little more with Grandma and aunt Avis before we had to leave to get back home.

It was a lotta driving for a two nights in St. Louis but well worth it to see everybody's smiling faces.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Got out of the House Today

We actually got out of the house today to go to cousin Angela's baby shower. She's due towards the end of May. We have not been out of the house with Sam except to go to the hospital or to the doctor's office. So this is a momentous occasion.

Sam did very well at the shower. We arrived late, since we're still getting used to this whole parenting thing. We now have to remember to bring more things than before Sam was born. Sam was passed around to awaiting relatives who hadn't seen him in a few weeks. While they held him, he started to make his way down to feed, only it was the wrong person! Katie took him and fed him the milk of life.

After the shower, we visited his grandparent's house and saw uncles Keaton and Kaleb. The wind was blowing hard so we weren't able to be outside. We had wanted to walk Sam around in the stroller later on, but it was too windy. We'll try it again in a few weeks when it is warmer.

Friday, April 11, 2008

New sounds and faces

Sam started to make new cooing sounds. It's amazing that he can just start doing so and that he knows how to do it.

He also started making faces, though it's usually only in his sleep. He smiles, makes an "ooh" face, purses his lips. He usually goes through many different ones in a matter of seconds. It's quite amazing to see.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Good News

We heard from a pediatrician today about Sam's scans on Monday. The docotr said that his hips are normal and that his head plates have not prematurely fused. Great news!

We had another fairly good night. Sam woke up at around 3:30 and nursed for an hour or so. We tried to put him back to bed, but he didn't want to be alone; he wanted to sleep with his daddy. We slept until 8:30 or so. Luckily, he seems to be giving us almost 8 hours of sleep a night.