Friday, March 21, 2008

Samuel Austin Vander Velde Has Arrived!

We are the proud parents of a healthy, 8lb 9oz, 22 inch baby boy! Samuel Austin Vander Velde was born at 9:35 pm on Friday, March 21.
We arrived at the hospital around 5 pm and she was having stronger contractions. At around 6:30, he water broke, just as I was coming back from getting our birthing ball from the car, figuring she would be laboring for some time. Boy was I wrong! Soon after, her contractions were more painful, longer and stronger. Her aunt Avis, grandpa Michael and grandma Laurie and other family members came and comforted her through the peaks and valleys of contractions and rest. By 8 pm she was already 8 cm dilated. She had about 2ml of Stadol to help take the edge off of the pain. By around 8:30, she was 9cm dilated. We were all amazed at her strength and how fast she was progressing. But, by 9, the doctor reported that the baby was breeched.
This was something we talked about and hoped that she wouldn't need a c-section. She had done so well in the past three hours and we were so sure that he would come out naturally. But it wasn't meant to be. They whisked her back to the operating room to prep her for an epidural and for surgery. By the time Avis and I got back to the O.R., the doctor had already started and Katie was on the table with a green blanket blocking her view. I was able to see the progress in a mirror and I didn't faint! Soon after Katie arrived, our baby emerged from the comforts of the womb at 9:35. Since there was meconium (he already pooped) in the womb they had to suction it out of his throat, least he aspirate it. All the while he was grunting and crying and trying out for the opera, as some nurses said.
We left the O.R. with our baby and announced the happy news to the family. What a relief. Katie is doing well and very tired. We'll have more updates over the next few days as Katie recovers and Sam discovers life.


Mama D said...

Congratulations Mom and Dad! He's beautiful!!! I think he looks like a perfect mix of you both. Yay for baby!

節約主婦 said...

Yaaay!Congratulations and welcome to the extended family!!!Here in Tokyo we're wooing and ahhing at your beautiful Samuel.

A big pat on the back to Katie the new mom! What a reward! During my labor I screamed so much that midwives told me to shut up. It was embarassing...Hope it didn't happen to her.

Hope to see you all soon!!

Yuki, Kensuke & baby Yu

節約主婦 said...
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Unknown said...

He likes like a very cute baby and

we're looking forward to meeting him!

We're so glad all are well.

love, Josh and Daria